Tuesday 16 January 2018

The Dentist - Regular Check Ups?

It has been a while since I made an appointment with a dentist for a simple check up.  I have had such awful dentists over the years (and a few good ones) and have now developed a bit of a phobia to say the least.  I need to see one and if my front tooth falls out today, I am able to make an appointment, but for more serious stuff, feel I need to find out about being hypnotised.

I think fear of the dentist is fairly common.  At the moment, I have two crowns that don't fit properly, making it difficult to eat certain foods, such as crispy bread or crispy bacon.  I don't want to end up only eating soup or mashed potato, so must find some way of overcoming my fear.

A friend recently had implants done in Spain and the treatment is still ongoing after 18 months.  That seems a long time to suffer.
 Broken Tooth, Tooth, Teeth, Dentist

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