Wednesday 10 June 2020


Get plenty of lemons at the ready

Some vinegar too


  1. If you have buyers coming to look around your home, they will be wise to the smell of fresh coffee or bread baking. Instead, what about boiling up some cinnamon sticks with brown sugar.
  2. There’s always the good old scented candle for the bathroom and kitchen.
  3. Onion smells can be reduced by popping them in milk. Lemon is good for getting rid of fishy smells.
  4. Dried mustard mixed with water is good to take fishy smells from the chopping board.
  5. If there is a burned food smell in the kitchen, try boiling half a lemon in an open saucepan.
  6. Try roasting citrus peel in the oven at 180 degrees C for a fresh kitchen smell.
  7. Smoking as gone out of fashion for a lot of people, but then some still do smoke. Try neutralising the smell by leaving a bowl of vinegar in the affected room overnight.
  8. Keep your rubbish bin smelling well by popping some cat litter under the bin bag and changing it every month.
  9. Pop a box of baking soda at the back of the fridge to keep it smelling well. A piece of charcoal also works well.
  10. Do you have a waste disposal unit?  Try ice cubes and a splash of vinegar or what about lemon or lime peel to rid it of smells.

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