Wednesday 29 May 2024

Did you choose your baby’s name?

 Apparently lots of couples can’t agree on a baby’s name. When I became pregnant at 37, considered very old 35 years ago but I was a reluctant mum and held off until the last moment, becoming pregnant very quickly once trying. We decided if baby was a girl then I should choose and I chose Chanel. If baby was a boy then husband should choose. It was a boy. He chose my birth sign Leo. It wasn’t a popular name back then but really suited our son. I loved it because it couldn’t be shortened. We as his mum and dad call him PIBS. Standing for Pain in the Bum as I needed an episiotomy during the birth. No big deal if any of my readers are pregnant. I chose an epidural and in my birth plan requested the quickest healing cut. Was running upstairs after three days much to the horror of my home nurse visitor who advised a bit more rest.

So, if you have a child or children, how did you decide on the name?

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